Tuesday 14 February 2012

Half Guard Top to Back.

I've been on call this week so I've been relatively quiet on the Jiu Jitsu front. I've got Ian's class on Thursday to go to trusting work's quiet that night so I look forward to that, but generally when I'm on call I lay off the intense study of technique vids and books in favour of a bit of relaxation while I'm not out on a emergency call out.

I was a bit chuffed though when Paul Severn from Trojan/Checkmat Cheltenham, linked me a YouTube vid of Caio Terra taken from his 111 Half Guard Techniques DVDs. Paul has sent me the vid link in the hope that it helps improve my Half Guard game by the next time he sees me so he doesn't roll over me in sparring so easily (at least that's what I imagine, he may just be being a nice guy).

The technique itself is a pretty slick transition from Half Guard top to taking the opponents back. Caio pops his trapped leg up so the knee is free, then clenches his legs together trapping the inside leg of his opponents and falls forward flattening him out. Now from that point alone I can see a good few potential submissions or transitions. Caio goes with taking the back but it doesn't take a lot of imagination to see other possibilities. I can't wait to get the opportunity to try this move in sparring.

Thanks for the link Paul. A real good find. (I bet you've already got the set you bastard). Below is the YouTube vid I'm talking about. It's good viewing and also has many other Caio Terra technique thumbs on the same page. Enjoy. \m/

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